The Plum King

The Book of Names - The Plum King

The name of the Plum King is…

The heralds of the Plum King are…
A prophecy or dream of something, changed forever; Plum and peach trees blooming out of season; Sweet smells and tastes from your youth; The Star of Bethlehem.

The weapons of the Plum King are…
The food of his garden, for to taste it is to leave something of yourself behind forever; The creatures of his realm (small mammals, reptiles and birds, all manner of flowers and fruit trees and anyone who has ever tasted the food of his garden.); The passage of time, for it is easy to let time and youth slip through your fingers when in his presence; The temptation to leave through the gate of his garden, and pass beyond the world.

You turn the Plum King aside by…
Refusing him three times. (He is similar to Typhon in this way, though he is more spiteful and will take something precious from you as compensation for his wounded pride.); Spilling the heart’s blood of a sacrifice over the soil of his garden. (Though he will not accept a sacrifice of bugs or birds.); Agreeing to his demands, but convincing him there is something you must find or achieve before you can leave the world behind for good. (Beware, for he will likely help you to seek this thing, and expect you to honour your promise in turn.)

The Plum King kills you by…
Causing you to lose track of time, of the world and of yourself; Lulling you into sleep or sensory deprivation, to be killed by the flora and fauna of his garden and used to fertilise the soil;Convincing you to leave the world altogether; Driving you to destruction in pursuit of what cannot be.

The Plum King is drawn to…
Those seeking or wrestling with some great change in their lives; Wisdom in all its forms; That which is dissatisfied with itself.

The Plum King hungers for…
Possessions. Including people who come into his keeping; For you to want to leave the world behind; For the fruits that will grow from trees nourished by the flesh and blood of rats, spirits or the Big Folk.

You may kill The Plum King by…
Tricking him into leaving the safety of his garden and striking him down; Feeding him poison fruit from a sorcerer's or witch’s garden; Finding something he loves or craves desperately enough to trade his life for.

The Plum King is reborn when…
The plum trees bloom too early, and rot ruins the harvest; the blood of a bride or groom is spilled under a fruit tree on their wedding day; A childhood promise made in a garden can no longer be fulfilled.

You may escape the attention of the Plum King by…
Undertaking a rite of passage, saying goodbye to some aspect of your old life and taking up a new role; Accepting his hospitality, eating none of his food, and departing graciously in the morning with whatever gifts he gives you.

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